
Rooted Respite

How's Your Week Been?

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Your Weekly Check-In

February 09, 2024

Hi Reader,

Take some time to reflect on this past week before heading into the weekend.

This practice is a tool to help you keep track of your relationship to work, yourself, and your boundaries. Use the questions below as a guide to help you reflect on the week.


  1. How did you stay aligned with your values this week?
  2. What help did you ask for this week?
  3. What from this week must you release before you can tend to your joy this weekend?
  4. What boundaries and practices will help you release what must be released?
  5. How will you commit to joy this weekend?

Rest Practice:

I was a very competitive kid. It started off with me trying to be the best in sports and music classes. I wanted to be the MVP, the first chair, the captain, the drum major... if there was a hierarchy, I wanted to be at the top.

At some point in my late teens and early 20s, this shifted from wanting to be the best out of groups of people to wanting to be the best version of myself. Instead of trying to best my peers, I started asking how I could be better than I was before.

This monumental shift occurred when I started to think more about how I could contribute to collective power instead of trying to hoard individual power. When I noticed that this shift had set in, my whole life seemed to slow down.

Competitiveness is what drives capitalism. Businesses compete for consumer attention to be the best in their markets and amass the most money. It's a numbers game for the folks at the top, but for those at the bottom and in the middle, it's survival.

It's OK to be a competitive person, but do you know where that drive to compete comes from? Is it something you're conscious of or is it programming instilled in you by the system?

This weekend, spend some time thinking about your relationship to competition. What drives you to be your best vs. the best? Spend some time writing about this. Dream up a scenario in which you can be OK with not being the best if you are still doing your best. ​

Cheers to taking this moment for yourself!

See you next week.



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Rooted Respite

Rooted in justice. Respite from capitalism.

Rooted Respite supports your spiritual and emotional well-being while you fight systemic oppression. By helping you contextualize, recover from, and prevent burnout, we help you keep what matters at the forefront: living.

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